- The student must submit a leave of absence form along with a letter to the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs requesting a Leave of Absence and explaining the reason(s) for the request. Please email the form along with the letter to
- Requests for a Leave of Absence by students in good academic standing will be acted upon by the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. Appeals of the Dean’s decision may be made to the Academic & Professional Standards Committee.
- Ordinarily, students in academic difficulty will not be granted a Leave of Absence. However, requests for a Leave of Absence by students in academic difficulty will be forwarded by the Dean of Student Affairs to the Academic & Professional Standards Committee for action. Students will be notified of approval/disapproval by letter.
- Conditions which must be met before the student is permitted to return may be attached to the Leave of Absence by either the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs or the Academic & Professional Standards Committee
- Students who have been granted a Leave of Absence shall notify in writing the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs of their intention to return, no later than 6 weeks before their intended return.
- The maximum duration of medical and/or personal leave is one year.
- If after the maximum permissible period of a leave of absence the student does not return, it will result in an administrative withdrawal of the student from the College of Pharmacy.
- Requests for a Medical Leave of Absence should be made in writing to the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and must include a letter from the student’s licensed health care professional and, at the discretion of the Dean of Student Affairs, a health care professional designated by the school documenting the need for a medical leave.
- Upon return from a Medical Leave of Absence, a letter from the student’s licensed health care professional and, at the discretion of the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, a health care professional designated by the school certifying readiness of the student to return to school is required 6 weeks prior to the intended return.
- The maximum duration of medical and/or personal leave is one year.
- If after the maximum permissible period of a leave of absence the student is not found fit to return, it will result in an administrative withdrawal of the student from the College of Pharmacy.